I have already written a little about our sprout-rageous adventures this past Christmas in Oregon. In this post, the fun continues! Once Adam's parents learned about my inclination towards planting, they tried to find ways to encourage the hobby. As we were packing our bags to come home, Adam's dad suggested that we bring a couple clippings from their aloe and jade plants. What is really cool is that if you take a small piece of these plants, you can re-pot it and get it to grow again! I was a little nervous about passing through airport security with our live luggage, but it's legal, and I was assured that the TSA agents in Eugene would understand. So we threw the plants into ziplock bags, and headed home.
The aloe is super cute, and we put it in the elephant planter. This is a pot obtained at a yard sale here in Nashville on a total whim. It is small and good for starting sprouts, but it has no drainage, so is usually just a temporary starting place. Let's hope it takes root!

Next on the agenda was the jade clipping.
What is cool about this plant is that there

are two ways to start it, and we are trying both.

One approach is to plant the leaf facing downward into the soil. The other possibility is to take a sprig of the plant and immerse it in water. Because it is still winter, the development may be slow. It's been a couple of weeks and there are no visible roots, but I have complete faith that these little cuties will turn into viable plants!
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