

One of the first plants we got upon moving to Honolulu was what we call Manoa Grass. Our friend Dan gave it to us; he told us that it is a kind of native Hawaiian grass. I guess because he lives in Manoa, we assumed it was native to there, though he later told us that we completely made that up; nevertheless, the name stuck. At first, I had some trouble growing the grass. It was perhaps over watered and seems to get moldy in the pot. While we were still at our old apartment, we simply moved the grass into the magic sink, and it began to prosper. However, upon moving to the new apartment, the grass was moved back into a pot. Although we are still in the exact same neighborhood, this area seems a bit more sunny and dry, and it has done wonders for the grass! 
Not only has it grown taller than me despite being in a pot, it has developed many lovely seeds. 
They take quite some time to turn brown and mature, but once it finally happened, there are grass sprouts everywhere! The babies are well and growing just fine. 
Knowing all of this, we were intrigued on a recent visit to the Disney Aulani hotel and resort where we encountered what looked like a different variety of Hawaiian grass. I took a few seeds and planted them in a plastic container. 


Now there are dozens of sprouts of what I like to call Disney Grass. Grass-tastic!