
Cat Grass

It has been a while since I posted. The garden has been experiencing quite the dry spell! Many of my sprouts have turned into plants and although they are thriving, there isn't much to report.

I placed another order with seedrack.com but had a lot less luck this time: none of my exotics have come up! I have even been having bad luck with the sustenance plants like kale and tomato.

However, there is one small glimmer of hope: cat grass! I bought it at the hardware store with the edible crops. Every time I plant it, the grass shoots right up. However, Haole Boy had shown no interest in it. After sprouting a few batches just for fun and watching kitty ignore them completely, I planted the very last of the seeds. Much to my surprise, he went for the grass! At least someone had some good luck with my garden. Hopefully summer will bring more sprouts and more blog posts.