Happy Holidays everyone!! Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. However, there are lots of sprouty happenings these days, so I am happy to be reporting again.
Unfortunately, I cannot report good news. This post in particular is a cry for help! My beloved pepper plant is infested with aphids.

These are nasty little bugs that slowly kill the plant. They are so stubborn! We have tried the normal home remedies, including spraying regularly with a castille soap and water mix, as well as leaving it out in the cold for short periods, and picking the bugs off by hand. These creatures refuse to die!
Adam is now convinced that the only way to get rid of them is to introduce live ladybugs. Please keep in mind that the plants need to be inside now because it is winter. And they are all residing in my office!!

Needless to say, I am a little terrified of more bugs coming in here. It also seems to me that whenever a pest is introduced to kill another pest, the results are less than satisfactory (rats to eat the mongooses, anyone?) However,
all I want is for these aphids to get lost! So I am willing to try anything. Does anyone have a new suggestion? If not, I am going to be sharing my suite with a bevy of insects!
That's it for now. Good news to come in the next post...
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