
"Expecting" Good News...

About 3 years ago, we planted some pepper seeds purchased from the store. The seeds came in a variety packet, so when we got a sprout, it could have been any of 5 kinds of peppers. Luckily, it turned out to be a spicy one--what I was hoping for!

After about 6 months, we were so proud of how the little sprout was growing that it was featured in our Christmas Card (circa December 2007).

With the help of some Mexican fertiliser purchased this Spring, and the nurturing efforts of the last few years, the pepper is now a full tree! It has not only grown so tall, but it keeps adding new branches, and even has bark at its base.

There are many new peppers that we anticipate eating soon--they are beginning to turn from green to red.

This plant is like a little ecosystem. There is a spider living it it, as well as several other bugs I cannot name, such as this fellow.

When admiring the plant the other day, Adam became alarmed. He noticed that a pepper was missing, and worried that a bird had swooped down and eaten it (and probably burned its tongue!) What he didn't know at the time was that he was seeing my handiwork. It feels like time for this beauty to produce some offspring. I've picked a pepper and prepared the seeds. Let's just say that I am "expecting" some new sprouts soon!!!


99 days till Halloween...

I just got back into town from Orlando. I had a great trip to Disneyworld with my dad!
Right before leaving, Adam cleared a small patch of soil for pumpkins. Last Fall, when I was alone and Adam was working in Florida, I tried to sprout a pumpkin. It did grow and even produce a beautiful orange flower, but then it just up and died. So I'm hoping that this year things will work out better. The seed package directions say that it will take about a week for the seeds to sprout. So imagine my surprise when the very next morning, eager little me went out to check on the seeds and voila--sprouts!

These sprouts are just so cute and so strong, I became
overwhelmed with optimism. After getting back from the Magic Kingdom, I rushed into the backyard to check on the little pumpkin-lings. Aside from the fact that an animal dug one up, and one of the sprouts is stunted and refusing to grow, I am amazed at the height the have achieved in a short six days. I have all the hope in the world that we'll have a jack-o-lantern at Halloween!!!